
EduSkills Empowering Newcomer Multilingual Learners Expert Panel Webinar Recording

In this interactive and insightful webinar recording hosted by EduSkills, a leading provider in educational technology to simplify compliance and support educators of ML, a panel of experienced newcomer educators and experts discussed innovative strategies and best practices for supporting newcomer multilingual learners. Our distinguished panelists include Louise El Yaafouri, Principal Consultant and Author of the Newcomer Fieldbook; Lara Evangelista, Executive Director, Internationals Network; Dr. Kelly Forbes, President of Kelly Bs Consulting; and Dr. Jose Vianna, former Executive Director of the Office of English Language Acquisition. Together, they shared their expertise on addressing the unique challenges faced by newcomer students and offer actionable approaches to fostering their academic and social-emotional success in today’s classrooms. Click HERE to watch the entire session to learn from leading voices in the field which will enhance your strategies for supporting multilingual learners in your school district!